They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That’s because it takes you less time to get somewhere if there are no obstacles in your way and you don’t have to take any unnecessary turns to get there. The same thinking applies to motion graphics and online video. By laying out the key points ahead of time and writing an engaging script, I can effectively deliver your information to your audience, fast. I’ve spent my career getting folks the most important information through engaging copy, design, and motion, and I can do the same thing for you. Bring me your ideas, and we can plot a course together.

Motion Work Portfolio

DNS Made Easy: DNS Explained

Writing, voiceover, design, and animation, Final Sound Mix


Maveron: 2014 Year in Review

Design & Animation


App Center: Designed by Deloitte

Design & Animation


American Express: Plenti Card

Design, Animation, Casting, Final Sound Mix


Fountain: My Fountain Explainer

Writing, Design, Animation, Voiceover, Final Sound Mix


Learn Liberty: Why Are So Many Violent Criminals Walking Free?

Writing, Design, Animation, Final Sound Mix


DNS Made Easy: Avoiding a Cashtrastrophy

Writing, Design, Animation, Casting, Voiceover, Final Sound Mix


Demandware: The Shopping Index in 30 Seconds

Design, Animation, Final Sound Mix



Animation, Design, Photography, Final Sound Mix


SAP: Digital Consumer Insight

Writing, Design, Animation, Voiceover, Final Sound Mix


Solar Loop: A Division of HiLiteSpace Explainer Video

Script Editing, Design, Animation, Voiceover, Final Sound Mix
